About Us

Who we are

We created wannawell as a habit-building digital wellness app powered by the world-renowned wellbeing organization TheLifeCo. With a holistic wellness approach, transformational programs and expert support, TheLifeCo has helped over 30.000 people achieve their health goals since 2005.

Our mission

Our mission in wannawell is to spread healthy living knowledge and skills across the globe, right at your fingertips!

A holistic approach to healthy habit building

Whether your goal is to improve physical health, social life or to find a better balance in your relationship with the environment, you can challenge yourself with wannawell challenges to achieve your goals.

From our founder

“The 21st century lifestyle has made toxin accumulation and stress become major parts of our lives. Excessive stress and toxicity may cause us to develop and become more vulnerable to chronic diseases. wannawell has everything you need to learn about how to cope with this burden and lead a healthier and better life. As TheLifeCo, we have touched tens of thousands of lives in the past 15 years. Now it’s time to take this helping hand to millions across the globe!”

Ersin Pamuksüzer – Founder of TheLifeCo and wannawell