Turn Off The Stress Mode, Sleep Better

Sleeping quality is highly related to our mental and physical health. The body, thoughts and emotions are all related. They are mechanisms that constantly give feedback to each other. The medium of those feedbacks is your nervous system. When you have so much thought activity, your body responds as if those thoughts are real. Even if you sit down and think, your body responds as if you are executing a daily task. As a result your heart rate goes up, your breaths become sharper and shorter. This is the so-called “stress mode” of the nervous system. A healthy dose of this mode, the stress mode, can be good for your daily activities as you need a certain alertness while working, studying or exercising. However, this mode needs to be turned off for you to be able to sleep well.For a sound night’s sleep, your nervous system should be in the “rest & repair” mode. This mode is turned on when you are completely relaxed and ready to sleep. However, if any mind activity or body part says the opposite, the nervous system remains alerted and active.That is usually the main reason behind sleeping problems. Luckily, you can break this mind activity cycle by working with your breath! Regular and easy breaths means a more regulated mind and a body. So we recommend adding suitable breathworks, yoga or similar practices in your daily life as a routine rather than trying to find instant solutions for better sleep.Still, there are a few things that may be worth trying upon going to bed for a better sleep.

Breath: 4-7-8 Exercise

We scientifically know that elongated exhales calms down the nervous system. There is one simple effective exercise to ensure that you elongate your exhales.Simply, inhale to the count of 4, hold for the count of 7 and let it go for 8 counts. It may seem hard in the first few repetitions. Don’t worry your body will adapt to it. Repeat this at least 5 times. You may go up to 10 or 15 as needed and as you get used to it.

Mind: A Small Mindfulness Break

Bringing your attention to your inner space is another great way of relaxing the nervous system. You can simply close your eyes and check in with yourself for 5 to 10 minutes before you sleep. Try to be aware of how your body feels, how you breathe or what you need at that moment. Don’t try to control or change anything. Just observe yourself from the inside. Also you may give thanks for what’s in your life if you feel like it. Or say a prayer according to your belief if that’s within your practice. We have so many positive, negative or neutral experiences throughout the day. However we have a natural tendency to focus on the negative ones.To overcome this tendency, you can reinforce your connections to the positive experiences or thoughts over and over again. Those practices like gratitude help to cultivate peace & joy.

Body: Move

It also happens that there is excessive energy in your body that might keep you up at night. When we remain inactive, sit too much or eat heavy foods there is leftover energy in the body and you can’t shut down.Another possibility is the excessive stress that tightens the muscles and creates tension. So to let go of tension and burn out the energy physically, make sure to include any movement in your daily life. Even if you don’t have an exercise routine you can add a stretching or a dancing session (nobody’s watching!) in the evening to make your body ready for bed!

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